How to check Aircel USSD Codes for 2G / 3G / GPRS / 4G LTE Data Balances ?

How to check Aircel USSD Codes for 2G / 3G / GPRS / 4G LTE Data Balances  ? Check out all the USSD codes for checking Aircel 2G / 3G / GPRS / /search/label/4G" target="_blank">4G LTE Data Balances, Internet packs usage and validity. 

Below is the list of all the valid working codes of Aircel, India’s most popular Telecom service provider /search/label/USSD%20Codes?max-results=6" target="_blank">USSD code statewise including Andra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Pune, Kolkata,  Delhi, Chennai, Jalandhar, Gujarat, Chandigarh Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Bangalore, Ahmedabad , Nagaland, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttaranchal, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Union Territories, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Chandigarh, Dadar and Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu, Delhi, Lakshadeep and Pondicherry ( US).

These /search/label/USSD%20Codes?max-results=6" target="_blank">USSD code of Aircel provide all the information related to Checking balances of internet plans and package prices with net speed, data usage and validity. 

These Aircel Mobile Phone USSD codes may be used through any of the mobile phone like Android, iPhone, WIndows or others for balance enquiry , Internet Pack and their codes.

Read : /2016/02/how-to-check-bsnl-gprs-2g-gprs-3g-data.html" target="_blank">BSNL USSD Codes for Checking Data Balances

Aircel USSD /IVR Codes                           Detail Description

*125# or *127#Check main balance and validity of Aircel
*126*1# OR *126*4#Check GPRS or internet Data balance and expiry date of Aircel
*126*2Check free SMS balance and validity of Aircel
*789#Special deals and discounts
*123#Service packs launched
*126*1#Checking account balance of  Voice Dedicated Account 
*1# or *234*4#Know your Aircel Number
*124*<16-digit number="">#Aircel recharge with scratch card / to up voucher
1213Latest Scheme 
1215Special Offers and Promo Discounts
121 Or 123Aircel Customer care
1214Value Added Services (VAS)

Read : /2016/02/how-to-check-airtel-data-balance-for-2g.html" target="_blank">Airtel USSD Codes for Checking Balances

Aircel Other SMS Codes to get the detail about the services

S.No.InformationKeyword send to 121 (toll free)
1Information on 3G services3G or 9
2Check your handset compatibiltyCheck 3G
3Get Info on 3G Coverage AvailabilityCOVERAGE3G
4Register Network Related ComplaintNOSIGNAL
5To Activate 3G on existing 2G numbersSTART 3G
6To Deactivate 3GSTOP 3G
7Register Network Related ComplaintNOSIGNAL
8Register Network Related ComplaintCALLDROP
9Request for Bill Plan ChangeBPC
10Details on Latest SchemeLATEST POST
11Aircel Relationship NumberACCOUNT
12WAP Browsing ChargesCHARGE WAP
13Schemes on New Postpaid connectionNew POST
14Req dup-billDUPBILL
15Bill Not Received ComplaintBNR
17“Only Paper Bill” SubscriptionSTOP EBILL
18Itemized Bill SubscriptionSTART ITEMBILL
19Itemized Bill UnSubscriptionSTOP ITEMBILL
20One time Itemized BillITEMBILL
21Check the Security DepositSD
22Know the Relationship Number/Credit LimitACC or 1
23Know the Last 2 Payment Details (Amount/Date/Mode)PYMT
24Know the bill details (Outstanding Amt/Due Date/Bill Cycle/Bill Mode)BILL or 2
25Know the current unbilled amountUNB
26Recharge Method(Prepaid)RCHARGE
27Details on Latest SchemeLATEST PRE
28WAP Browsing ChargesCHARGE WAP
29Schemes on New Prepaid connectionNew PRE
30Know the current balance & validityBAL
313G Info in Prepaid & Postpaid Help MenuHELP
32Know last two SR StatusSRSTATUS or 3
33Update Alternate contact numberCONTACT
34Update email IDEMAIL
35Check Email IDMy Email
36Check Alternate Contact NumberMy Contact
38Drop Box address and locationStore
39Pay CentrePayCentre
43Get GPRS settingsGPRS
44Get WAP settingsWAP
45Get MMS settingsMMS
46Get VAS Help MenuVAS or 4
47Get GPRS/WAP/MMS settingsALL
48Know the Preferred LanguageLANG
49Activation of Dialer Tune ServiceSTART DT
50Deactivation of Dialer Tune ServiceSTOP DT
51Activation of Voice Chat ServiceSTART VC
52Deactivation of Voice Chat ServiceSTOP VC
53Activation of Music On Call ServiceSTART MOC
54Deactivation of Music On Call ServiceSTOP MOC
55Activation of Missed Call Alert ServiceSTART MCA
56Deactivation of Missed Call Alert ServiceSTOP MCA
57Display PUK detailsPUK
58To provide national roaming operator tie-up detailsROAMING
59To provide International Roaming chargesROAM
60To check Wifi locationWiFi

Aircel activation and Deactivation Codes for Services running are : 

  • Get Aircel Pocket Internet / GPRS settings on Mobile : PI to 121
  • Activate Missed call alerts VAS : MCA R to 57999
  • Activate 3G service on SIM card : START 3G to 121
  • Stop 3G SERVICE : STOP 3G to 121
  • Get main account balance info using SMS : BAL to 121
  • Deactivate missed call alert : MCA D to 57999


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